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With the ever-present conflicts of the region, a new narrative of the State of Israel is written on a daily basis. Learn more about the country and the people living there by clicking on the tabs below.

Mingled among the relics is Israel's vibrant and modern culture. Click the tab above to learn about Israeli culture.

Israel is rich with history! Click the above tab to find out more about this Israel's history.

Who are Israelis, what do they do, what is its government? Learn these things and more by clicking  the tab above.

The land of Israel is the Jewish national homeland, it is also recognized as the cornerstone to three of the world's major religions. Click the tab above to find out more.

Since its inception in 1948, the State of Israel has been the target of discrimination from leaders at the United Nations. Click the tab above to learn about this tumultuous relationship, and how Israel strives daily to overcome UN biases.

What is the historical and current relationship that Israel holds with the United States? Click the tab above to find out.

Learn the history of the various conflicts and wars--and their outcomes--that have shaped the region by clicking the tab above.

For historical and current maps of Israel, click the tab above.

The land of Israel is the Jewish national homeland, but it is also home to many other peoples and religions. Click the tab above to view the various people who comprise Israel.




The best way to advocate for Israel is to be a knowledgeable and composed individual when confronted by opposition. The last thing you want to do is become loud and offensive. 


  • Read your local newspaper every day and pay attention to news coverage of the Middle East, and Israel in particular
  • Know the facts and history
  • Get involved: Respond to coverage that is unfairly critical of Israel 
  • Attend Heller CRC functions


Social-networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube offer an unprecedented opportunity for direct engagement. You should by all means share articles with your friends, family and acquaintances that reflect positively on Israel.


We urge supporters of Israel to always check the accuracy of any internet message before sending it to others.