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Supporting Israel on Our New Campus

Our Jewish community has always made our connection with Israel a top priority. So it is fitting that Israel is prominent in the vision for The Larry & Mary Greenspon Campus for Jewish Life. This month we want to tell you more about how the campus will be the place for all things Israel in our community.

We are fortunate that with a leadership gift from Bob and Esther Heller, the Heller Israel Center will be the hub of various forms of Israel engagement that will strengthen connections, advance learning, enable advocacy, amplify innovations and inspire travel. With dedicated exhibition space in the Michael & Marcy Klein and Stone Foundation Pavilion, we plan to incorporate engaging Israel content and immersive programming throughout the campus.

For example, in the Chaifetz Holocaust Memorial Garden, the interpretative pathway will lead visitors (many of whom will be students) through the history of the Holocaust as well as the birth of the modern state of Israel.

Continuing the Federation’s history of offering programs that foster an appreciation and understanding of Israel, the Heller Israel Center will provide interactive exhibitions with engaging content to ensure all visitors to our campus will be able to learn about and celebrate Israel.

Looking toward Israel's 75th, we are fortunate to have The Larry & Mary Greenspon Campus for Jewish Life as a local connection to our vibrant homeland for Jewish people.


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