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Posts by Shep Englander

How Hurricane Ian Tested Us

Whether it’s a security threat, antisemitic vandalism or a natural disaster, emergencies are frightening, disorienting and isolating. They test the strength of a community.

You may not think of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee as an emergency response organization, but while Hurr…

Remembering the Holocaust on Our New Campus

Never during our lifetimes has it been more urgent to share the lessons of the Holocaust. The American values of moderation and tolerance are straining as weaponized partisanship and social media echo chambers starve American society of broadly shared, trusted information and leaders.


Holocaust Memorial Garden: A Place to Learn, Reflect, Grow

The heavy equipment I can see from my office window is moving us toward the much  anticipated opening of our Larry & Mary Greenspon Campus for Jewish Life. The campus will be an oasis of learning, celebration, remembrance, and respectful exchange, where all are safe emotionally, culturally …

Supporting Israel on Our New Campus

Our Jewish community has always made our connection with Israel a top priority. So it is fitting that Israel is prominent in the vision for The Larry & Mary Greenspon Campus for Jewish Life. This month we want to tell you more about how the campus will be the place for all things Israel in o…

Take a Walk With Me Through Our New Campus

I am delighted to share the below images of The Larry Greenspon Campus for Jewish Life under construction. It is so exciting to see the transformation of our front 16 acres into new interior and exterior spaces for our community to learn, reflect, engage, debate and celebrate together.


Special Campus Update from Shep Englander, CEO

While it may be summer here, we at the Federation have been at work finalizing designs, securing critical financing, and starting construction for The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life. In 18 months' time, we will be welcoming you to explore our enhanced facilities and gar…

Campus Preview: A Unique Oasis for Learning, Celebration and Reflection

We are delighted to announce that construction has begun on the next phase of The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life.  The campus will open in phases next winter, spring and summer.

The seminal act of the first Jews, Abraham and Sarah, was to open their tent on all sides …

Our vision: an island of learning where all ideas are welcome

During the more than 2,000 years that Jews have lived in Diaspora (outside the Land of Israel), no society has been a better host than America. American democracy--with its emphasis on pluralism, moderation, education, personal responsibility and separation of church and state--has been the …

Bringing the Dream of a Community Campus to Life

In April, the Jewish Federation Board and committed donors celebrated that we are starting construction on the next phase of our 21st century campus--the Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life! Together, we said a shehachianu, the traditional prayer for marking an important mil…

Ukraine, Israel and Jewish Freedom

Nothing is more central to Jewish identity than Passover--our Festival of Freedom.  For over two thousand years, we were the wandering Jews -- a people with no country, no army.  Every year at Passover, we said, "Next Year in Jerusalem." 

After the Holocaust, we realized that "Never Agai…