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The Federation Celebration serves to thank our Federation donors, and pay tribute to the many volunteers who work tirelessly on behalf of our Federation. Congratulations to the following 2020 Honorees!



Doris Loevner Memorial Young Leadership Award: Jaime Marco

Ahava (Love) Award: Geri and Lenny Drexler

Chinuch (Education) Award: Dave Oness

The Betty Schoenbaum - Heart to Heart Award: Hadassah and Martin Strobel

L’Dor V’Dor (Generation to Generation) Award: David Grace

Hatikva (Hope) Award: David Weiman

Yad Chazakah (Strong Hand) Award: Larry Haspel

Ayshet Chayil (Woman of Valor) Award: Marsha Eisenberg

Atid (Futures) Award: Merrill Wynne

Kehilla (Community) Award: Sheriff Elect Kurt Hoffman

Zachor (Never Forget) Award: Bette Zaret

Halutzim (Pioneer) Award: Mel Taub

Morasha (Legacy) Award: Bobbi and Don Bernstein

Avodah (Service) Award: Ed Cohen

Acharai (Follow Me) Award: Christine  Elliot

Acharai (Follow Me) Award: Ellyn Bender

Ish Chayil (Man of Valor) Award: Michael Ritter

Kehilah Ha'argonit (Corporate Community) Award: Sabal Palm Bank

Federation Celebration

Enjoy this video of the 2020 Federation Celebration event.

For information on this program,
please contact:

Jeremy Lisitza

Cultural Arts Manager









The Betty Schoenbaum “Give While You Live” Award: Nelle Miller

Avodah (Service) Award: Millie Cole and Jacki Levin

Kehilla (Community) Award: Ronnie Riceberg

Doris Loevner Memorial Young Leadership Award: Camryn Cohen

Morasha (Legacy) Award: Meredith and Al Ernst

Yad Chazakah (Strong Hand) Award: David Millstone

Acharai (Follow Me) Award: Julie Green

Kehilah Ha’argonit (Corporate Community) Award: Michael’s On East

Zachor (Never Forget) Award: Steve Koenig

Ahava (Love) Award: Gerri Aaron

Atid (Futures) Award: Paulette Samowitz

Ayshet Chayil (Woman of Valor) Award: Debbie Haspel

Chinuch (Education) Award: Geri and Ron Yonover

Ish Chayil (Man of Valor) Award: Bruce Udell

L’Dor V’Dor (Generation to Generation) Award: Marsha and Marvin Frank

Halutzim (Pioneer) Award: Esther and Robert Heller

Hatikva (Hope) Award: Larry Greenspon and Mary Gratehouse