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The 11th Annual Milman-Kover Family Jewish Film Festival


The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee takes the health, safety and wellbeing of our population very seriously.  We are constantly monitoring the news from the CDC, WHO and our local, state and federal governments regarding the threat of COVID-19.  We have also been monitoring the responses of Jewish communities around the country.  Many sources indicate that one way to limit the spread of this virus is by limiting public gatherings. 


That said, the leadership of the Federation has made the difficult decision to postpone the 11th annual Milman-Kover Family Jewish Film Festival EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. This includes all movie screenings and any special events between March 12 and March 22.


Our team is currently working on alternatives that may include virtual screenings and holding in-person screenings once this crisis is under control.  We will be in touch with you over the next few days regarding those plans.  We appreciate your patience and flexibility as our staff and volunteers work diligently to provide you with these options.


In the meantime, please follow the CDC guidelines in order to keep yourself and your family safe from this virus. 




Cheryl Shapiro and Bunny Skirboll, JFF Co-Chairs

Jeremy Lisitza, Director of Volunteer Engagement and Innovative Programs