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CRConnect Section

Each month, CRConnect will provide information addressing difficult questions we may all get from time to time about Israel and antisemitism. This page is your resource guide with additional digital links.

Is support of the global BDS Movement an antisemitic act?

The goal of CRConnect is to bring you information to help understand difficult questions we all face concerning both Israel and antisemitism. This month we address a complex question which distinguishes between an “antisemitic act” and “antisemitism.” As Deborah Lipstadt, the renowne…

December Dilemma: Holiday Issues in Public Schools

May a public school teach about religious holidays? Public schools may teach about religion and religious holidays when it meets secular educational goals. It may not promote or denigrate religion or support one religion over another. Public schools may not celebrate or observe…

Is Zionism a Form of Racism?

The arguments that Zionism is a form of racism is contrary to the evidence. Support of the concept calls into question the whole legitimacy of the State of Israel. Zionism cannot be a form of racism when it does not deny or denigrate other races or religions, when it welcomes a racially…

Did Israel Create the Palestinian Refugee Issue?

In short, Israel neither caused nor created the Arab refugee issue: The Arab refugee issue was caused by the refusal of the Arabs to accept the United Nations partition plan together with their decision to attack the Jews and attempt to destroy the newly declared independent State of…

Are Israeli Settlements in the West Bank illegal under International Law?

The issue of settlements is a complex one that will only be resolved through negotiations, not with charges of illegality. Both Jews and Palestinians have legitimate claims of connectivity to this ancient land.