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CRConnect Section

Each month, CRConnect will provide information addressing difficult questions we may all get from time to time about Israel and antisemitism. This page is your resource guide with additional digital links.

Why does Israel Oppose the U.S. reentering the nuclear agreement with Iran?

As a candidate and immediately after his inauguration, President Biden declared his intent to immediately return to the JCPOA as originally agreed provided Iran returned to compliance with the agreement. He has since slightly modified his stance indicating his willingness to consult with…

Is Israel an apartheid state like South Africa?

In summary, Israeli Arabs, Druze and Bedouin are part of the fabric of Israeli life and participate in all walks of everyday Israeli life. They are doctors, nurses, teachers, lawyers, judges, politicians, pharmacists, computer scientists and technicians. A high percentage consider…

Did Jews take Israel away from Palestinians?

Jews DID NOT take Israel away from Palestinians. Palestine is a geographic region, not a nationality. Palestine (“Palaestina”) was the name given to the area when the Romans conquered it (circa CE70). As such, “Palestinians” (the original Palestine being comprised of Arabs, Muslims…

Why is Criticism of Israel Considered Antisemitic?

Criticism of Israel, its policies, its officials or its treatment of Palestinians is not in and of itself antisemitic. However, when such criticism is used to delegitimize Israel, or draw upon antisemitic tropes, or apply a double standard by singling out Israel, or demonize Israel, it…